Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Making Choices

I've been taught, and have found for myself, that there are really two choices in any given situation. And yeah, yeah. . .  we know it's about choosing Love or choosing Fear.  But who is digging a little deeper to find exactly what that means, beyond a concept?  Sometimes what looks like Love is really Fear, and what looks like Fear is really Love!  And why is that?  Because those are just mental constructs.  

What am I getting at?  I choose based on what feels good, and what hurts.  Now this is interesting, because there are an awful lot of us walking around, myself included, that seem to keep choosing what hurts -- be it a situation, circumstance, or at the root of it all: a thought.  Life really isn't that tough to figure out, when we recognize it does come down to choosing what feels good vs. what hurts, but we are enculturated at a very deep level to choose pain over and over and over again.  "No pain, no gain," right?  Maybe in the past.  But right now, we're writing new rules for this game we're playing, because, gee -- it could be fun to do something different!  

I've heard a saying that we are geniuses at feeling good, joy, love, pleasure, abundance, etc., because we have so thoroughly opened up the polarity of suffering, fear, hate, resentment, lack, etc. and have experienced it to its utmost degree.  And the degree to which we have experienced something, is the degree to which we are capable of experiencing its polarity.  So, yes, we all made the choice for suffering, for what hurts, in our time -- but it wasn't for naught.  When I've been radically present, non-judgmental and unconditionally loving to myself in a time of suffering, I've come out of it as if I were the Phoenix rising from the ashes, and have experienced complete bliss.  It does not mean I have to purposely create suffering, in order to have that experience.  Life, and Love, finds us, only all of the time.

I've been watching my world, our world, and noticing the signposts. . .  the tension of the bow is to such a degree that we can barely stand it, and this means that we are -- in this moment -- creating something magnificent, and it is about to be released!  In all my years as a breathworker observing the pattern and cycle of intent, action, allowance and integration, I recognize this place we are in.  Many of us feel so intense in one form of another, that it can seem unbearable.  It's helpful to have the tools to ride the wave.  

You're not really much of a surfer without a surfboard!  My surfboard, is really simple; I can take it anywhere and meet life head-on with it, in any situation -- it's self-contained, easy to access, no confusing buttons or knobs -- it's my own breath.  And when I use it in my daily life beyond the hour-long blow-out sessions -- as a foundational part of daily practice, I recognize that it's all about one inhale at a time, one exhale at a time.  One step at a time.  Even in intense circumstances.  They are mostly intense because our minds are already trying to create a story around what is happening -- strategizing how to not experience it, instead of our deepest self taking command and saying "yeah, I hear ya. . . but I want to see the movie play out for myself, just because I really don't know how it's all going to go."  And don't we love suspense?  Isn't that why they become such blockbusters, if the writer (creator - you) has done a really good job?  We love the suspense part of the film!  Enjoy the ride. . . 

"The universal support system for each of us is our breath. It is the breath that

connects us to our point of origin, the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness that

is our pure state of being."  James

Thursday, June 18, 2009

In the Flow. . .

I am always fascinated by what shows up in life; what causes me to redefine my preconceived notions of what it is I think I know or how what I think I know is supposed to look.

I have had an opportunity placed before my feet, that helps me utilize skills and talents that come effortlessly. I love using the power of the internet. I love that it's a representative of the matrix of consciousness, for better or worse, and that if there is a piece of information that I don't know about, I can access it and run the information by my own discernment and guidance as to its validity.  I have access to information, people, places, etc., that I otherwise would not have.  And, this is simply a model of what exists in our own potentiality as co-creators.  It simply mirrors the fact that we have the power to access whatever it is we need to move through this gameboard of life.

That said, there is the concept of the Law of Abundance or the Law of Flow, which covers all areas of abundance that brings about emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being.  We know about the Law of Attraction.  But there is also the Law of Flow.  In these economic times, we are all being given a choice as to whether we are going to respond in a way that is fear-based, which typically means we contract and stop engaging in the flow by buying into the story of lack -- or we can have the courage to continue to engage in that flow.  If we remember that money is simply energy -- another way to participate in creative life force energy -- to really embrace this energy and play with it can be fun.  

The breath always shows me the truth in this.  Life force does not happen only on the inhale.  It happens on the flow of the inhale and the exhale -- receiving and giving, taking in and letting go.

I have managed to reconnect with a couple of old friends that I never thought I'd see again, and in addition connect to others through others that I know!  Sound confusing?  This is yet another manifestation that has shown up in the last couple of weeks, that I am reeling in amazement from.  Some of the people I have become connected to recently have in some way or another been connected to me either directly or indirectly -- and it's all coming full circle.

How is this happening?  In a way that I never would have imagined. . .  through an income-producing opportunity, and one whose foundation is all about totally helping and supporting each other in whatever way we can!  The "what" doesn't matter!  I get to engage in an interesting manifestation of "play" of Oneness that gives me access to:

  • Engaging in the Law of Flow -- Participating in simply exchanging an energy called "money," as a means of activating and maintaining flow, which spill over to all other areas of my life and the ways in which I experience abundance.
  • Engaging in an opportunity to connect with and bring Light to as many people as possible -- It "looks" like we are doing one thing, that's the superficial aspect, but we are really doing another, which is connection .  IF that is our intention, which is very important to stay in integrity with.  If my intention is connection and bringing the activation of the Law of Abundance and the Law of Flow to the consciousness of others by simply being myself, then the "how" of it does not matter.
  • Observing the circular pattern of Oneness -- by noticing all the ways "players" in my theatrical play come in and out of the scene -- perhaps those that were simply "extras" now come into my experience as primary players!  How fun is that??
  • Most importantly, what piqued by interest, is a number:  3.  The foundation of this interesting little opportunity, is rooted in that number.  Three (3) is connected to the Law of Return, or the Threefold Law, or the Law of Reciprocity.
So, with these ideas of "where I'm coming from" in my intention as a co-creator on this Earth, I am curious as to who might be interested to hear more about how to play with me!  Let's have fun!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First Shot. . .

I am taking a shot at this blogging phenomenon. . .  something I've been wanting to do for awhile. I've been so inspired by my friend's musings in particular at http://LifeInMcKinney.blogspot.com, that I finally decided to go for it.  

I wanted to title this blog "Because Breath is Fundamental," because -- it is.  It has become the inspirational foundation for every aspect of my life -- something so simple, so basic.  I'll probably write a lot about it, in addition to other musings on life.  

For today, I just wanted to get this started and I'll see where this journey takes me!

Much love and gratitude for everyone, and I do mean everyone, in my life.  Each of you has been a thread in a very rich tapestry of experience.