Thursday, January 28, 2010

Come Closer to the Fire. . .

It did not take long for me to make a connection between the warmth and connection I experience when I am making that beautiful full "YES" breath. Yes to breathing life in fully, Yes to letting go of what is out of my control/what is no longer needed. When I breathe a connected breath - I feel connected to myself. I notice I feel more deeply connected with others, and my tendency to keep myself separate and in that pain of separation, disappears. There are many layers, but I'll keep it simple, here.

Connecting with others who, through their relationship with their own breath and heart beat, feels like coming in from being too long and too deep in the woods, to a nice warm fire. I feel fed. I find that in that place there is nothing else I really need - and I stop filling my life up with other "wants" that don't really feed me.

It's a journey. . . It has taken me years, and on occasion I still find myself there - where I sequester myself off into my own world of stories, beliefs - and then I come home to the breath, to myself, to my family of life. This may sound foreign in our world of dysfunctional families and disconnect, misunderstandings that never find resolve, hurt feelings that never heal. But something simple as my own breathing changes all of that. Hard to wrap the mind around. But I experience it like being in love. Yep, it's that good.

What would that be like for you? What would it feel like to be completely free to give and receive love and not feel the need to defend it?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just Today. . .

I choose the strong moments, the powerful times in my life, for creating an intention around my heart's desire. This is like making use of the wind to power my sailboat in the direction of my intended destination. There is not much more I can do about getting to my destination, other than being in the present moment, watching, listening, feeling for any changes in the current of the water, of the wind - and just sailing that boat. It is being in that present moment, as it appears in my life, that I am guided to take whatever steps I need to take, whatever shift in direction I need to take. A vision of my destination, and just today, just this moment, is all that I need to know on my journey. I don't need to know how/when/what/why of any potential "maybes" that could show up on my journey. A basic understanding and knowledge is helpful. But, once I am in the middle of the ocean, and something shows up - I have my compass, my know-how, my guidance, and mostly trust in the process that I'll do what I need to do, when I need to do it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Upcoming Breathwork Workshops

I want to take this time to put in a "plug" for the upcoming Therapeutic Breathwork workshops held in Durham, NC. An Intro will be held in Durham on 3-12-2010, an all-day workshop titled "Breathe Your BEST LIFE!" will be in Durham, NC on 3-13 to 3-14, 2010

This workshop is extra-special because the founder and director of Power of Breath Institute, Jeremy Youst - will be leading the workshop with Jamie Crockett and myself assisting. This is a way that we do a "giveaway" toward the larger community of Power of Breath Institute toward greater breath awareness. And, everyone loves the Light that is "Jeremy" - so everyone benefits! Please pre-register at your earliest convenience to reserve your space!